I was sitting here this morning and I was thinking what the scripture says
Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23
How many times in a week do we get consumed no how many times a day do we get consumed no sorry how many hours a day do we get consumed. You know as humans life eats at us if we let it. But as Christians and a child of God we have a promise His compassion never fails. I have caught myself at times crying about something that I thought God should do for me or I thought I deserved it. But then the Holy Spirit speaks to me and I laugh at myself because I don't deserve anything and I can't work hard enough for the Lord to earn anything Here is the whole feeling and emotion thing in a nut shell. We don't go by emotions or feelings or how much we do for the Lord we live by faith and we walk in the goodness and mercy He has for us. Sometimes I am like a spoiled brat kicking my feet because that is what I want and I want it now. But as I have grown spiritually I know now that I can not manulate God into anything. As my spirit man grows I know I can do all things thru Christ that strengthens me. I know that He is always beside me and working for my good. I know that His compassion never fails. I know in my heart that I am the apple of His eye. I know He would have died for me if it had only been for me. I know when I lay down at night He watches me sleep. I know that His mercy for me is so great that everything in my life is in His heart. I know that He is the only person that would die for the ones He loves. You can ask me how do you know all this because the B-I-B-L-E tells me so. Sharper than any two edge sword pentetrating the heart of man and teaching the ways of the Lord.
If you don't get in your Word then you don't know all the things the Lord can do for you and that is when life will eat you up and spit you out. So when your feet hit the floor in the mornings tell Him how much you love Him spend time with Him let Him be the lover of your soul and your soon coming King. He is new every morning. Amen
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