You might ask by the title what has she done now? Well nothing I am learning to stop doing things on my own and letting God take full control. See sometimes we think we knpw what is good for us. We say inour humble voice I believe this is what God wants for me. Well listen to this I can't do anything on my own and I have no idea what I need in my life. If you notice I say I,I,I not what God wants. It has taken a long time to learn this by God knows sometimes I do just strike out on my own. When I need to listen to my heart and what God is saying. Sfter the fact I look by and go wow Lord that was You telling me to slow down it is not right yet or wait on Me to clear the way. But I think I can do it if I push just a little harder.
Well my foot is not big enough to knock a door down that God has closed and I don't have to do it myself. God will make a way that is what the Word says. So time goes on and we wait on the Lord. I can only walk thru the doors God opens and praise Him for the doors He shuts. Someday I will slow down and let God lead. He laughs at me all the time I can see the Father saying that is my girl and she will get it and come back a little bit so I can go forward. Her steps are directed by Me the Father and I know the beginning from the end and I knew the wrong steps she was going to take but that is ok I have her in My hand and I will take care of herwhether she gets ahead of Me or not.
So this is the conclusion to my running forword ahead of God because I think it is good for me. No don't do it wait for the Father instructions will come in His timing not mine. Thank you Lord for your protection and guidance as I walk thru this world and teaching me wisdom until I get to Your world. Amen